“Unveiling ‘The Second Immersion’ Exhibition: A Photographic Journey of Artudio International Artists Residency Artists Anna & Barbara from Poland.

Artudio cordially invites you to the opening of  Exhibition “The Second Immersion,” where you’ll embark on an enchanting photographic journey with our resident artists, Anna and Barbara, as part of our International Artists Residency (AIAR) Program, 2024.

Join us as we delve into their captivating lens that captured Nepal in 1981 and their revisits to the country today. Experience their stunning showcase at Artudio and immerse yourself in the beauty and nostalgia of Nepal through their eyes.

We look forward to welcoming you on:


Date: Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Time: 4:30 pm 

Venue: Artudio, Chhauni Hospital Road, Swoyambhu-15, Kathmandu, Nepal


Kindly RSVP by clicking here or contact us at 9823490390 / 9851180088 or via email at artudiofoundation@gmail.com.

We anticipate a delightful evening filled with art, culture, and camaraderie. Your presence will truly enhance the experience.


About the Artists:

About Anna Hartman-Ksycinsk

Anna Hartman-Ksycińska is a Polish photographer based in Rzeszow. She is a medical doctor, pediatrician and anesthesiologist. She is a member of Polish Women Photographers team. Her photographs have been presented at numerous individual and group exhibitions in Poland, Hungary, Spain and on-line ( PH museum, VASA-projects, Social Documentary Network, The Egde of Humanity). In 2022 she published her first photobook which was already awarded on Athens International Photo Festival 2022 and won the bronze prize on Tokyo International Photo Awards (TIFA). She also published along with Polish photographer Barbara Bryla the photobook, which is the diary of their travel through Nepal, India and Ceylon in 1981.

About Barbara Bryta

Barbara Bryła is Polish photographer based in Katowice, Poland. She discovered her fascination with photography when she was a student. At that time, she photographed only in black and white using an analog camera. Barbara is a true traveler. She experienced her first great expedition 1980-81 discovering the traditions in India, Nepal and Ceylon. She captured the experiences from these trips on slides, which were published in the form of a photobook only in December 2022. The first edition of the issue was very popular and got sold out entirely in just a few weeks. Since 2015 Barbara has been an active member of Photography Workshop in Katowice, Silesia., where she supports young participants in meetings, travels and exhibitions.

Note: The Exhibition will run until April 12, 2024 from 11am – 6. pm everyday.



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