A Special Portrait Photography Workshop with Gary Wornell

What really is Portrait Photography?

Artudio Calls all Nepali Photographers for a Special Portrait Photography Workshop with Finnish Artist/Photographer Gary Wornel.l

DATE: Nov 28, 29 and Dec 06, 07 (4days)
TIME: Morning 6:30- 9.00
FEE: Rs. 2000/ ParticipantFor More Info: Visit Artudio, Lazimpat
Call: 4002037, 9841408425, 9841379780
Visit: www.artudio.org
www.artudio.wordpress.comAbout Gary Wornell:

Gary Wornell is a Canadian born artist who emigrated to Europe in 1969. In 1976 having
obtained a B.A. in Art and Design at Staffordshire University he established a Ceramic studio in
the town of Aldeburgh, England. In 1995 he moved to Finland where he gradually moved into
graphic design, digital art and photography. Gary is a board member of Ars Häme Finnish Artists
Association and the Finnish Photo Agency Leuku. (http://www.garywornell.com/content/about.htm)

Wornell’s talents do not stop with his ceramic work. He has been increasingly looking towards the
use of other techniques to express himself: oil painting, pastels, photography and digital imaging.
His photographs of nordic landscapes are well composed and worth viewing. In photography

he has spend his long time with many experiences and here are some of his works. (http://

Gary is also the winner of Travel Photographer of the year 2007.

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