Worskhop on Managing the Arts by SAFEI

26th September 2015 will be a day to remember in the history of art Scenario in Nepal as the first Art Management Workshop was conducted at the Yala Maya Kendra, Patan Dhoka by Sidhhartha Arts Foundation Education Initiatives SAFEI . This Workshop will run over a time period of 7 months September to March 2016. The participants will have to commit 3-4 days per month except for the first one which goes for 6 days. The course is intended for those who are genuinely willing to pursue their career in the art industry and specifically deals with the Nepalese art market.

The first workshop was conducted by Mr. Vidhan Rana who is the founder of Biruwa Ventures. He has more than eight years of experience in strategic planning, communications and entrepreneurship. The core idea behind strategic planning was discussed, why is it necessary and how is it developed were conversed in the beginning.

Secondly the idea of mission statement and vision statement were discussed and differentiated. Participants were asked to write down a mission statement and vision statement to make sure everyone was clear about the concept.

Thirdly the SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threats) method of analysis was talked over and also an exercise was conducted. Following that was an exercise to develop goals, objectives and strategies.

In this way the workshop was conducted in a very interactive and informative way. Everyone realized what they had been lacking behind in. Management had been a neglected aspect in the art sector which now has been brought into focus. Everyone has understood to take the local art scene to the international level a good management is required.

We would like to Thank SAFEI (Siddhartha Arts Foundation Education Initiative) for conducting this wonderful workshop which is exactly what the Nepali Art Scene needs right now. It is for sure that each and every participants will benefit from this workshop and bring positive changes in the Art scene.

Artudio_Arts Management WorkshopArtudio_Arts Management Workshop

Text/Photos by Rupesh Man Singh, Manager of Bal Kala Sangrahalaya, “The Museum of Children’s Artworks” an initiative of Artudio, who is taking part in the Workshop by representing Artudio

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