Photography Workshop, as a medium of visual arts (72nd batch)

Artudio Photography workshop, As a medium of Visual Arts (Level I) is designed for the beginners and photography enthusiasts where participants will be facilitated and mentored by professional artists and photographers for 7 days to develop their own vision as a medium of Art. Our professionals will shape the participants to create a body of work during the session and will be encouraged to present it in the end of the workshop. This workshop focuses not just a camera but also the way you view the world in an innovative way through your camera.

Preferred: Digital SLR Camera. If not, Digital Compact Camera/ Mobile Camera is compulsory.


People interested in beginning their photography journey or people who have already begun this powerful journey and want to learn more. From beginners, keen learners, someone planning on buying a new DSLR, photo enthusiast are all welcome to explore the photographic medium for individual expression. All you need is a passion for photography and eagerness to learn.

ELIGIBILITY: Keen interest in photography with either DSLR or Compact Camera/Mobile Camera


Induction (Introduction, interaction, Orientation)
Historical Timeline of Photography
History and Nepali context in Photography
Historical Comparison
Camera and its Types
Portfolio of Camera and Camera operating System
Main Function (Fn) of Camera
Digital Technology
Composition and aesthetics
Introductory session on Art Elements and principles in photography
Photography as a visual language/medium of visual arts
Digital Photo Application and Workflow
Content and Statement Writing
Night Photography/ Light Graffiti / Light Painting
Critical Photo Assignment Reviews
Portfolio and presentation.

Workshop will be focused on more interactions and practical assignments and critical discourse.

When: 15-22 July, 2019

Where: Artudio, Swoyambhu, Chhauni Hospital Road, Kathmandu

Time: 7.00 AM to 10.00 AM

Registration: Rs. 5,500/- Only

Registration Deadline: 14th July, 2019

LIMITED SEATS AVAILABLE – So, Book Your Seat by as soon as possible


Karma Tshering Gurung – 9803779777

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