Artudio Photography Workshop-78th Edition (Coming soon..)

Artudio is inviting aspiring photographers and photography enthusiasts to participate in the 78th edition of its upcoming photography workshop. The workshop spans 12 days and aims to help participants hone their individual vision through the medium of photography and create a cohesive body of work. Facilitated by renowned artists and photography practitioners from Nepal, the workshop offers participants the chance to refine their technical skills, cultivate critical thinking, develop an aesthetic understanding, and enhance their curatorial approach to their own work.


PREFERRED: We highly recommend using a Digital SLR Camera, but if that’s not available, a Digital Compact Camera or Mobile Camera is required.

ELIGIBILITY: To be eligible for the workshop, it’s essential to be fully committed to engaging for all 12 days of the program.

WHEN: Confirming soon…

WHERE: Artudio, Swoyambhu, Chhauni Hospital Road, Kathmandu

TIME: 7.30 AM to 9.30 AM

REGISTRATION FEE: Rs. 9,500/- Only


Visual Introduction, Interaction, and Orientation including a brief history of photography and its evolution in the Nepali context, and introduction to analogue photography and the darkroom process.

Understanding the camera as a tool to create an image, with emphasis on portfolio of camera/camera operating system, and main functions (Fn) of camera and digital technology.

Emphasizing visual observation, exploration of the key elements and principles of Art/Design, and its application in photography.

Delving into the observation of light, its impact on photography, and exploring composition and aesthetics in the creation of images. Participants will also learn about photography as a visual language and its dual role as both a means of documentation and a form of expression.

Encouraging critical thinking and the importance of intent in photography. Participants will develop their unique style and perspective and consider the intent behind each photograph they take.

Focusing on the presentation of images with opportunities for showcasing work through reviews and critical discussions, receiving valuable feedback from peers and workshop facilitators.

Covering digital photo applications and workflows, content building, final editing techniques, and writing statements to accompany photographs providing context and insight into the creative process.

Exploring light drawing/painting and taking advantage of the benefits of night photography.

Concluding with portfolio reviews and presentation, and a strong emphasis on interactive sessions, practical engagements, and critical discourses. Participants will have ample opportunities to present their work, engage in discussions with peers and workshop facilitators.


9823490390, 9851180088

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