Artwork by Little Artist Suhana ShresthaArtwork by Little Artist Suhana Shrestha
Little Picasso: Spring Art Camp 2016 Little Picasso: Spring Art Camp 2016 Little Picasso is an Art Workshop for school children to enhance their sensitivity towards observational and imaginary skills. It involves the children in various experimental Art activities which helps them grow mentally and physically in a fruitful manner.
[envira-gallery id=”85594″] Photos by: Yugal Shrestha/ Artudio 2016
OPEN EVENT HOLI COLOR BLAST – STREET FESTIVAL AND POTLICK EVENT Everyone is welcome to Artudio Swoyabhu to COLOR BLAST, share laughs and good food. Where we will covering an entire wall with paint balloons. 5 paint ballons for just Rs.20. The food is free for everyone joiing in the