Dolakha Album: A short term curated community home-stay art residency  was a short-term residency curated by visual artist Kailash K Shrestha of Artudio. It was hosted in Gairimudi, Dolakha between 3 – 12 May, 2016. The primary goal of the platform was to integrate artistic process and creations into the context of the setting. Installation, new media and multimedia artists were selected by the curator to travel to the village, where they conducted research and created works to reflect their understanding of the complex realities of life in rural Nepal, post-earthquakes of 2015. While no thematic restrictions were levied, artists were limited to material found in the community. Further, each artist was hosted by a community resident affected by the earthquake and strategic encounters with the community were facilitated under the supervision of the curator.





The devastating earthquake of 25 April and 12 May brought unprecedented calamity and destruction to Dolakha, epicenter of the second quake. Together the quakes destroyed most houses of the district. Artudio began its post-disaster efforts with Healing Through Art immediately in the wake of the first earthquake. This initiative made its way through Kathmandu, Kavre, Nuwakot to Gairimudi carrying out a range of activities for children along the way. When the program finally arrived in Gairimudi, after the second quake, not a single house remained standing.

Artudio’s efforts in Gairimudi started on the heels of immediate rescue and relief operations. Instantly it revealed many positive changes amongst traumatized children and community members. Inspired by these outcomes, Artudio conceived of a longer term plan to continue engaging the community with the arts. Pran Art Center was thus born.

Today, the center operates out of a temporary shed but with a committed institutional vision and support from Artudio’s network of professional artists as well as volunteers, Pran Art Center aims to jumpstart a new cultural movement.  Similar to the haat bazars that are commonplace across Nepal, we envision a different kind of rural gathering – a space where ideas, skills, creativity and happiness are exchanged.

Based on this vision, the Dolakha Album: Homestay Art Residency was envisioned as a foundational attempt to break away from the perception of art for the privileged or for urban settings. It became a testing ground for artists to redefine art as a contextual object, one that uniformly adapts to the everyday of all settings. Besides inspiring the community of Gairimudi through their artistic processes and creations, encounters facilitated by the Artudio catalyzed a distinguished approach to contextualizing art to the host’s reception. Additionally, the framework was mindful in delivering some relief directly to families economically, psychologically and physically affected by the quakes.

As might be expected, extensive co-operation amongst art institutions, artists and managers is necessary to grant permanence to the center’s mission. Fortunately, the motivations and impact are obvious – the center has immense potential to pioneer a new Nepali approach to collaborations and co-creation. Artudio believes that with enough support it could reach national and international audiences through the center and add a new chapter to Nepali and world art history.



In Nepali

Jf}zfv !@ / @( sf] ck|Toflzt e’O{rfnf]n] bf]nvfsf] clwsf+; ufFpmx? Tfx;gx; agfof] . e”sDk nuQ} z’? ePsf] cf6{‘l8of]sf] snf cleofg, “Healing Through art”,  sf7df8f}+, sfe|], g’jfsf]6 x’Fb} j}zfv @(sf] bf];|f] e”sDk nuQ} bf]nvfsf] u}l/d’bL k’Ubf ToxfF Pp6f klg 3/ 7f8f] lyPg . s]xLlbgsf] /fxt cleofg nut} z’? eof] jfnjflnsfx?;Fusf] snfTds ultljwL . ToxfFsf] gfgLafa’x?df s]xL lbgsf] snf ultlawLaf6 k/]sf] ;s/fTds k|efj b]v]/ pQm cleofgn] ToxL nfdf] ;do;Dd k|>o kfof]  / ;d’bfos} ;xsfo{ / ;+nUgtfdf k|f0f ;fd’bflos snf s]Gb| :yfkgf ug]{ ;f]rsf] hGd eof], h’g clxn] c:yfoL l6gsf] 5fgfd’gL ;kmntfsf]] ;fy ;+rfngdf 5 .

k|f0f snf s]Gb|df ufFpsf afnaflnsfsf nflu clxn] gofF ;F:sf/sf] ljsf; ePsf] 5 . s’g}j]nf ufpFdf a:t’ ljlgdosf] nfuL xf6 ahf/ nfUg] uYof]{ clxn] pmgLx? x/]s zgLaf/ snf s]Gb|df ljrf/, ;Lk, >[hgf / v’;L ljlgdo ug{ e]nf x’G5g\ .

snfn] dfgljo b}lgs hLjg;Fu ;DjGw /fVb}g, ;DkGg / ;De|fGtn] dfq pkef]u ug]{ rLh xf] eGg] wf/0ffnfO{ ;d]t lrg{‘ csf]{ dxTjk’0f{ cleef/f lyof] bf]nvf PNadsf] . ToxfF snfsf/x? /xFbf / ;d’bfo;Fu} ;xsfo{ u/L ;[hgf ul/Psf snfs[ltx? / snfTds ultljwLx?n] ;d’bfodf 5f]8]sf] efjgfTds k|efj dfq xf]Og, e’sDkn] tx;gx; agfOlbPsf] u}/Ld’bLjf;Lx?nfO{ cfly{s, dfgl;s, ef}lts / efjgfTds k6\6L nufpg klg cToGt} dxTjk’0f{ e”ldsf v]Ng ;kmn /x\of] bf]nvf PNjdn] .

;fd’bflos snf s]Gb| s]xL aif{sf] cGt/fndf :yfoL ?kdf d’t{ x’g ;a}sf] ;xsfo{ cfjZos 5 . ;f] snf s]Gb| u|fdL0f ;d’bfodf dfq xf]Og ljZj snfsf/x?sf] ;d]t s]Gb| aGg ;Sg]5  h;n] snfsf/x?nfO{ ;d’bfodf / ;d’bfonfO{ Smnf;Fu hf]8\g] cj;/ k|bfg ug]{5 . o;/L g]kfnL snf Oltxf;n] dfq x]fOg, ljZj snf Oltxf;n] Pp6f gofF cfofd hf]8\g ;kmn x’g]5 . oxL cjwf/0ffsf] z’?jft xf] “bf]nvf PNjd” .





Art has yet to penetrate rural Nepal. When most art projects are concentrated in Kathmandu Valley, Dolakha Album becomes a novel attempt to conduct a community-based residency program far away from the urban hubs.

Although, rural Nepal is still reserved for photographs and paintings of its landscape have been romanticized for decades, exhaustive artistic interventions have never transpired in such environments. Dolkha Album is then the beginning of a more engaging reflection of a village – Gairimudi.

This project could have been only afforded by the commitment of artists to immerse themselves into the culture, lifestyle, atmosphere and spirit of the locality. Thus, eligible artists were identified keeping in mind the challenge of working outside one’s comfort zone and of experimenting with limited resources. Conventional as well as new media artists were selectively invited in an effort to provide a more nurturing climate of co-creation. The community was thus involved in the process of, and discourse on, ‘creating’ and ‘expressing’ in all its diversity. The use of locally available resources and accessible technologies and tools furthered that integration of creating into the community.

Making art in a place like Gairimudi, which is slowly losing its traditional identity and essence, is in itself an achievement. By observing the complex realities of the village, and documenting its present context artists have lent a hand in preserving its contemporary history for years to come. In return, artists were undoubtedly reciprocated with a better understanding of contexts that shape their own practice.

Artists bring fresh thoughts, perspectives to the subject they confront. Through this dialogue they are able to engage and inspire everyone from children to the elderly. Artudio is certain that by championing such platforms more constructive impact can be realized for all people involved. For generosity and reflection is the true measure of an artist’s success and is the goal of art.

Kailash K Shrestha



In Nepali

snf;Fu ufpFsf] kl/ro guGo 5 . Wf]/}h;f] snfsf ultljwLx? sf7df8f}+ s]lGb|t eO/x]sf] kl/k]|Iodf clxn];Dd snfsf] kx’Fr gk’u]sf] u}l/d’bLdf ;+rfng ul/Psf] klxnf] cfjf;Lo snf kl/of]hgf bf]nvf PNjd Pp6f gofF k|of; xf] .

clwsf+; b[Zolrq / k|fs[lts lrqsf dfWodaf6 ufFpsf k’/fgf cfjf; / d’xf/n] snfdf k|>o t kfof] t/ ufFpsf] jf:tljstf, efjgf, 7fFpm ljz]if ;+:sf/ / ;+:s[tLnfO{ jf:tljstfdf g} /f]dlnP/ snf >[hgf u/fpg snfsf/nfO{ ufpFs} ;d’bfosf] cfjf;df a;L cWoog / cg’;Gwfg ub}{ snf >[hgf ubf{ ;xL cleJolQmn] :yfg kfpF5 egL bf]nvf PNadsf] kl/sNkgf ul/Psf] xf] .

nlntsnfsf lrqsnf, 5ljsnf, rnlrqsnf, k|LG6d]lsª snf / snfsf cGo gofF ljwfdf sfd u/L/xx]sf % snfsf/x?nfO{ zx/b]vL ufpF;Dd kl/lrt u/fpFb} ;d’bfosf] ;xsfo{ / ;+nUgtfdf snf >[hgf u/fpg’ dfq xf]O{g km/s km/s ljwfsf snfsf/ / snfnfO{ Pp6} ynf]df NofO{ ljrf/, bz{g / ;f]rsf] cfbfgk|bfg u/fpg’ / To;nfO{ hf]8\g’ bf]nvf PNadsf] Pp6f csf]{ dxTjk’0f{ b[li6 /x]sf] 5 .

cfkm\gf] cl:tTj / Oltxf; d]6fpFb} uPsf] u}l/d’bL h:t} s}og ufpFx? Hf;sf] af/]df ;fob} lnkLa4 s]xL Oltxf;x? 5g\, ;f]xL ufpFsf] ;]/f]km]/f]df a;]/ snf >[hgf ug{‘ cfkm}df Oltxf;sf] /rgf ug{‘  xf] . snfsf/x?nfO{ cfkm\gf] snf bL3f{af6 ckl/lrt 7fFpdf k’¥ofO{ ;f]xL 7fFpdf pknAw >f]t / ;fwgnfO{ k|of]u ub}{ snf >[hgf ug{ r’gf}tL lbFb} snfdf gofF k|of]usf] ;’?cft ug{‘ / ;d’bfosf] cGt/efjgf;Fu hf]l8Psf j:t’ / cGo dfWodx?n] k|ToIf ?kdf snfdf 7fpF kfpg’ clxn]sf] ;d;fdlos kl/k|]Iodf cToGt cfjZos /x]sf] 5 .

snfsf/ snf >[hgfsf qmddf k”0f{ :jtGq /xg’kb{5 . u}l/d’bLsf] tTsfnLg jf:tljs kl/l:ytL / cj:yfdf snfsf/x?n] ;d’bfodf a6’n]sf gofF cg’ejsf] 1fg afF8\g / Ps csf{sf] jf:tljs hLjg sf] ulx/fO{;Dd k’u]/ cfkm’nfO{ ;xh jgfpg 7’n} r’gf}tL lyof] . snfsf/ ufpF;Dd k’Ug’ eg]sf] gofF ljrf/, gofF b[li6sf]0f / gofF ;f]r klg ufpF k’Ug’ xf]  h;n] ;d’bfodf /x]sf aRrf b]lv a[4;Dddf gofF cg’ej / 1fg afF8\g ;xL cy{df e”ldsf v]Nb5 .

;fd’bflos snf s]Gb|sf] :yfkgf / nuftf/ ?kdf ul/g] snfTds ultljwL clg To;n] ;d’bfo / snfsf/x?df kf/]sf] ;s/fTds k|efj, kl/jt{g / cfufdL ;d’bfodf s]lGb|t snf kl/of]hgfx? g} ;kmntfsf] ;Djfxs x’g] s’/fdf ljZj:t 5f}+ .




Gairimudi, an inspiriting village perched atop of a wooded hillock of Dolakha, comprises of nine wards. It is located between Khanikhola river to its north and the village of Virkot along the southern lower belt of the hill. Ethnically diverse, the community represents people of Newar, Sherpa, Magar, Chhetri, Damai, Kami, Sarki denominations. The locality boasts of great natural beauty and cultural sites such as the Kaileshwor temple and the newly discovered Karkale cave. Gairimudi is home to some 4500 inhabitants and 900 houses. It is famous for its rich deposits of red clay.


In Nepali


u}l/d’bL rf/}tL/ 8fF8}8fF8fn] km]/f] df/]sf] bf]nvf lhNnf l:yt Pp6f /dl0fo ufFpm xf] hxfF ( j6f j8fx? 5g\ . pQ/L efu k’j{b]vL klZrd;Dd vfgLvf]nf / pQ/ kj{lt/ dLu]{, kjdf 7nf]kftfn / xfjf / blIf0f tkm{ emn] / eL/s]f6 uf= lj= ; sf] :k;{df 5 . s}n]Zj/ dlGb/, ev{/} rrf{df cfPsf] ss{n] u’kmf nufPt cGo s}og ;+:s[tL / k|fs[lts ; ‘Gb/tfn] el/k’0f{ ufFpm clxn] esDsf] df/df cfkm\gf] ef}ls / ;f+:s[ltx cl:yTj udfP/ v8f 5 . tfdf8= z]kf{, g]jf/, du/, a|fdxg, If]qL, bdfO{, sfdL, ;fsL{ nufPtsf ;d’bfosf] ;ld>0f xf] u}l/d’lb . $%)) eGbf j9L hg;+Vof / ()) eGbf al9 3/w’/Lx? cjl:yt u}l/d’lb /ftf]df6f]n] k|Voft 5 .





Pran Community Art Center is a collaborative space dedicated to creating exchanges with native, national and international communities in Gairimudi VDC, Dolakha. The Center is Artudio’s vision for a long-term, post-disaster effort to realize a safe haven for children, where they can explore ideas and art forms outside their immediate academic curriculum. The center has equal participants from all member of the community for cultural celebrations, community meetings and workshops. Currently, the Center resides in a temporary shelter where children and adults benefit from various activities (art, music, performance, book reading, cultural activities) held every Saturday morning and holidays.





A day during the residency was reserved for activities with children of Gairimudi. Artists held several interactions and encounters with over 100 school children during the day. Some recorded music about their surrounding, others performed, and some even created land art in open areas. The results of the day were then shared at the community exhibition on the final day of the Dolakha Album.



Kailash K Shrestha

Nischal Oli

Resident Artists:
Mr. Sujan Dangol, New Media Artists
Mr. Surendra Maharjan, Printmaking Artist
Ms. Sandhya Silwal, Visual Artist
Mr. Rajan Shrestha, Sound based Multi Media Artist
Mr. Abhimanyu Dixit, Film Artist
Mr. Chabi Bahadur Shrestha, Local Artisan

Venue: Artudio, Chhauni Hospital Road, Swoyambhu
Opening Night: Friday 12th August, 2016
Opening Time: 6:00 PM

Panel Discussion: Saturday, 3-5PM

Closing Ceremony: Saturday, 20th Aug, 2016


The Residency was supported by Siddhartha Art Foundation Education Initiatives & Buddha Kumari Foundation


Note: The Exhibition will remain till 20th Aug, 2016 everyday from 10 AM to 7 PM

Call: 9851180088


Dolakha Album Press Release

Dolakha Album:  A Community Homestay Art Residency



Artudio, Center for Visual Arts, had organized Dolakha Album: Community Homestay Art Residency, in Gairimudi, Dolakha from 3rd May to 10th May 2016. Where five nationally and internationally renowned contemporary artists researched on culture, geography, finance, politics, and emotional aspects of Gairimudi. The findings of the research was based on life after the earthquake as Dolakha was one of the many epi centers of the earthquake in 2015 and created artworks accordingly. The artists used locally available materials which opened the door of opportunity globally to promote local resources and support the lifestyle of the community. This project aims to introduce renowned artists with a grass root community, awareness based on the cultural and traditions of the community as well as giving the local resources the value to the community and the artists.

At the end of the residency, an outside exhibition, curated by contemporary visual artist, Kailash K Shrestha also a Gairimudi local, was held in the community. Even with some difficulties from the weather, the exhibition was a success and was also taken to Jan Jyoti School for the school children. Now, Artudio is bringing this exhibition to Kathmandu on Friday, 12th August to 20th August 2016. Friday, 12th August, is the opening night of the exhibition at Artudio, Chhauni Hospital Road, Swoyambhhu. On Saturday, 13th August, 8 AM – 10 AM along with Dolakha Album’s local artisan, Mr. Chabi Bahadur Shrestha, will be mentoring a bamboo weaving workshop for anyone who is interested in learning the local weaving technique of Gairimudi.

We will also be hosting a panel discussion on Saturday, 13th August at 3 PM to 5 PM with the five Dolakha Album contemporary artists; Sujan Dangol, Rajan Shrestha, Surendra Maharjan, Sandhya Silwal and Abhimany Dixit along with local artisan Chabi Bahadur Shrestha and curator Kailash K Shrestha. This panel discussion will be moderated by Prashanta Manandhar, the Founder of Story Tellers.

Dolakha Album – A Community Homestay Art Residency is not just the continuity of the art program but also a new step to decentralize Art from the cities and take it into the grass root communities.

We would kindly like to request you to collect the news of such a grass root community art project and create a platform for a public dialogue.
Program: Dolakha Album Exhibition
Opening Night: Friday, 12th August 2016

Bamboo Weaving Workshop: Saturday 13th August 2016 8AM – 10AM

Panel Discussion: 13th August 3PM – 5PM

Closing Exhibition: Saturday, 20th August 2016

Venue: Artudio, Chhauni Hospital Road, Swoyambhu, Kathmandu
Contact Number: 9851180088


Note: The Exhibition will remain till 20th Aug, 2016 everyday from 10 AM to 7 PM

Thank you,
Kailash K. Shrestha
Artist/ Curator/Director
“Dolakha Album” A Community Homestay Art Residency
Art Project
Artudio, Kathmandu
9th August, 2016



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