Photo by: Kailash K Shrestha
Satya Shila Kashajoo is a visual artist, she received her IFA from Lalit Kala Campus, BFA from Kathmandu University, School of Arts, Center for Art and Design majoring Advanced Painting. She completed her Master’s degree in Creative Painting in Tribhuwan University.
She had done two solo exhibitions first solo exhibition titled “Dob-haru” in Baryo Fiesta Naxal and second solo exhibition titled “Anitya (Impermanence)” in Newa Chèn Art Gallery, Kobahal, Patan. She has participated in many group shows as “Kalajatra”, “Steps I and II”, Kalakar ko Aankhama Bhumi”, Panoroma24”, National Art Exhibition organized by NAFA, “KU Graduation Show” to name few. She had also participated in various art workshops and residency programs, selected are “Serendipity”, “Interactive Art through Social Media”, “Yuwa” and “Local Women Art Residency Workshop”. She has participated in “Installation Art Projects- Bhaktapur and Panauti” led by French Artist George Rousse. In 2014, she has participated on “16th Asian Art Biennale Bangladesh, in Bangladesh. Apart from creating art works, she has been serving as an art teacher in different schools since 2007.

Part of clocks with bubbles
2x5ft Acrylic on canvas
Read an article about her works