Category: Updates

Art is powerArt is power

Kailash K Shrestha’s big dreams for Dolakha By Alok Thapa Published:30 Jun 2017 Duration:7 min read Words:1895 words Segment:Featured Kailash K Shrestha, founder of Artudio—a centre for visual arts—is a multifaceted artist who employs a variety of visual languages to create narratives that are both personal and relatable Kailash K Shrestha is

Little Picasso Vol. 9 : Spring Art Camp 2017-Registration Open !Little Picasso Vol. 9 : Spring Art Camp 2017-Registration Open !

Little Picasso Vol 9: Spring Art Camp 2017 is a special Art Workshop for children to enhance their sensitivity towards observational and imaginary skills. It involves the children in various experimental Art activities which helps them grow mentally and physically in a fruitful manner. This workshop opens gateways for children

क्यानभासमा सजिएको गैरीमुदीको कला ‘दोलखा एल्वम’ आर्टुडियोमा (फोटो फिचर)क्यानभासमा सजिएको गैरीमुदीको कला ‘दोलखा एल्वम’ आर्टुडियोमा (फोटो फिचर)

क्यानभासमा सजिएको गैरीमुदीको कला ‘दोलखा एल्वम’ आर्टुडियोमा (फोटो फिचर) काठमाडौं, २ भदौ । कलाप्रतिको सामाजिक दृष्टिकोणलाई मध्यनजर गर्दै आर्टुडियोको संयोजनमा ‘दोलखा एल्वम’ शीर्षकमा २८ गतेदेखि नौ दिने कला प्रदर्शनी स्वयम्भुस्थित आर्टुडियोमा चलिरहेको छ । दोलखाको गैरीमुदीका ७, ८ र ९ बैशाख २१ देखि सातदिने आवासीय कला कार्यशाला गरिएको सम्पन्न भएको थियो

I’M YOU Street Art in solidarity with Dr. KcI’M YOU Street Art in solidarity with Dr. Kc

Street Art ‘I’M YOU’ by artists from Artudio in solidarity with Dr. KC at Babermahal, Kathmandu. 23rd July, 2016 ARTISTS: Kailash K Shrestha, Tshering Karma, Santosh Prashad Rimal, Yu Gal Shrestha, Kapil Thapa, Rawkiss Sayami Sahas Ram Shrestha and Dinesh Tamang. ‪#‎iamwithDrKC‬ ‪#‎imyou‬ ‪#‎Streetart‬ ‪#‎PublicArt‬ ‪#‎ContemporaryArt‬ ‪#‎Nepal‬ ‪#‎DrKC‬ Photos: Artudio

Artudio Photography Workshop 57th Batch (Level I)Artudio Photography Workshop 57th Batch (Level I)

REGISTRATION OPEN IN (LEVEL- I) Registration Deadline: Wednesday 29th February Level I Photography workshop run every day for 14 days, this is specially designed for the beginners. This is where you will learn about your camera and explore your individual interest in photography and develop basic skills to being a