About Rivers of the World (ROTW)

Rivers of the World is an international art and education project delivered in partnership with the British Council that connects pupils around the globe to their local river through environmental, economic and cultural learning and themes.

The two-year programme involves the pupils in the first year learning about their local river and in the second about a river in another country. Rivers of the World encourages young people to explore and reflect on local and global issues and perspectives to build the skills they need for life and work in a global society.

Last year Nepali Artist and Curator Kailash K Shrestha led 3 days’ workshop to 6 Schools in Nepal to create an amazing work and the artworks were curated and exhibited in partner schools outside the UK and along the River Thames walkway in September as part of Totally Thames festival in 2017.

Exhibition in Nepal

ROTW artworks have already been exhibited in British School, Kathmandu during International School Award Program, Women of the World Festival in Kathmandu and also travelled  to Pokhara on  26 and 27 April, 2018. The local organizer for the exhibition was  Motherland HSS, Pokhara.

The exhibition is traveling to Charikot Dolakha for 1st and 2nd of Jesth (15-16 May, 2018)  along with the body of photographs by Uma Bista,  a ROTW grantee of this year and 3rd Jesth (17tg Nat, 2018) in Pran Community Center, Gairimudi, Dolakha.

Contemporary Artist and Curator Kailash K Shrestha will leading 2-3 hours art workshop to the local students during the exhibition period to engage in workshop to observe their local Rivers in a critical way and create artworks.

The exhibition is hosted by Gaurishankar Bahumukhi Campus, Charikot Dolakha locally.

12 min video 0f Rivers of the world Art Workshop process will also be showcased during the exhibition.



About the British Council 

The British Council is the UK’s international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities. We create friendly knowledge and understanding between the people of the UK and other countries. Using the UK’s cultural resources we make a positive contribution to the countries we work with – changing lives by creating opportunities, building connections and engendering trust.

We work with over 100 countries across the world in the fields of arts and culture, English language, education and civil society. Each year we reach over 20 million people face-to-face and more than 500 million people online, via broadcasts and publications.

Founded in 1934, we are a UK charity governed by Royal Charter and a UK public body. The majority of our income is raised delivering a range of projects and contracts in English teaching and examinations, education and development contracts and from partnerships with public and private organisations. Eighteen per cent of our funding is received from the UK government.

British Council’s newly established art department (2016) is focused on delivering projects (with national and international partners) that strategically engage issues around women/girls and community cohesion. It also works to build capacity of cultural actors in the country.  www.britishcouncil.org.np

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