Art work by little artist Prachi ManandharArt work by little artist Prachi Manandhar
Opening night of retrospective exhibition by Birendra Pratap Singh, one of the greatest artists of Nepal at Nepal Art Council, Babarmahal, 27th March,2015. Photos by: Tshering Karma Gurung, Sandup Dorje Lama, Neha Bhandari, Kapil Thapa and Deepa Shrestha/ Artudio & Anmol Bajracharya
[REGISTRATION OPEN] ARTUDIO PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP 50TH BATCH LEVEL I REGISTRATION OPEN … April 3-15 CALL FOR REGISTRATION 9851182100 9851180088 9843245117 WORKSHOP TIMING 7- 9 AM INCLUDING SATURDAY FEE: RS. 4000/ Workshop Coordinators: Sandup Dorje Lama/ 9841901285 Tshering Karma Gurung/ 9803779777 FOR ONLINE REGISTRATION EMAIL [contact-form][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field
Our level 2 participants presented research presentation of Nepali photographers at Artudio. The presentation was the part of the level 2 workshop.